That carbolic acid, although an energetic antiseptic, had little persistent effect due to its volatility and solubility in water . 碳酸虽是一种强力防腐剂,但由于挥发性和水溶性,其持久性小。
Carbolic acid can be used to make antiseptic 石炭酸可用来做防腐剂。
One little frolic with new zaz carbolic . . 鸳鸯戏水时,用全新莎丝
One little frolic with new zaz carbolic 鸳鸯戏水时,用全新莎丝
Total cost per month is about 23 . 73 less than 1 . 00 a day ! canned pet - food costs about the same , but contains low ash mg diets included diseased meat , euthanized pet cats and dogs , road kills , poultry feathers , sweepings from milling room floors , dirt , fecal matter , diseased organs from operations , fur , beaks , drugs , litter . all is then " denatured " with carbolic acid , fuel oil , and or kerosene , with added flavor dye 以上食谱总费用约每月23 . 73加币一天不到一元加币与普通宠物罐头食品的费用类似,但即使是低ash mg罐头也含有病死因注射而死和路上轧死的动物宠物的肉,还有家禽羽毛加工厂废渣污垢排泄物手术切除的病变器官动物皮毛鸟喙药物垃圾,全部经石碳酸处理过,还有燃料油煤油调味料及色素!