They were charles carney and stephen estelow, old working companions and close friends . 他们一个叫查理卡尼,一个叫史蒂芬艾斯特洛,同事多年,友谊甚笃。
Charles carney was seated there at the table as before 卡尼又和之前一样,坐在桌子前。
Willi carney - mayor city of greater bendigo 中国深圳市市长于幼军致辞
There charles carney still sat 卡尼还坐在桌旁。
Standard test method for apparent density of non - free - flowing metal powders using the carney funnel 非高流动性金属粉末的表观密度的标准试验方法
Gray dawn awoke him . blurred in the gloom , charles carney again sat opposite . the eyes stared at nothingness 微弱的晨曦惊醒了它。在昏暗光线中只见形影模糊的卡尼又坐在对面。两眼茫然凝视著虚无。
In the morning when he crawled out of bed and went to replenish the fire , charles carney was sitting at the table , motionless , speechless , staring 第二天早上,他下床去添炉火,查理-卡尼赫然坐在桌子前,不动,不说话,睁大眼睛瞪著。
Arsenal lfc became the first english side to reach the uefa women ' s cup final after goals from rachel yankey , karen carney and julie fleeting ended the challenge of br ? ndby if 随着蕾切尔.杨基、凯伦.卡妮和茱丽.弗丽婷的进球击退了布隆德比队的挑战,阿森纳队成为英格兰第一支进入欧足联女足冠军杯决赛的队伍。
Dan and frank carney took a shot that really 6 ) paid off : pizza hut , the small company that they started together almost 60 years ago , is now the largest pizza restaurant chain in the world 结果,丹和法兰克?卡尼的尝试真正值回票价:必胜客,这家他们将近60年前共同创立的小公司,现在是世界最大的披萨连锁餐厅。