They often called balaga in to their carousals , made him drink and dance with the gypsies , and many a thousand roubles of their money had passed through his hands 他们经常强邀巴拉加同去纵酒作乐,把他灌得烂醉,叫他和茨网女郎一起跳舞,他们由他经手花掉的卢布就不止一千。
Races , the english club , carousals with denisov , and the nocturnal visits that followedall that was different , all that was the correct thing for a dashing young hussar 而驾车赛马英国俱乐部与杰尼索夫纵酒赴某地旅行这倒是另一码事。而这对一个英姿勃勃的骠骑兵来说是很体面的。
Pierre at first was by no means pleased to receive anatole , but after a while he got used to his presence ; sometimes accompanied him on his carousals , and by way of loans gave him money 皮埃尔起初不乐于接待阿纳托利,但后来和他混熟了,有时候一同去狂饮。皮埃尔以借贷为名,给他钱用。
The cabaret owns business suite , standard suite and the building 147 of a marks , 11 of the size board room , the carousal hall and various 20 of , is your business meeting , travel to spend a holiday of ideal place 酒店拥有商务套房、标准套房及双标房148间,大小会议室11间,大宴会厅及各种包间20套,是您商务会议、旅游度假的理想场所。
He read and re - read everything he came across . on getting home he would take up a book , even while his valets were undressing him , and read himself to sleep ; and from sleep turned at once to gossip in the drawing - rooms and the club ; from gossip to carousals and women ; from dissipation back again to gossip , reading , and wine 他经常读书,手边有一本什么书,就读什么书,回到家里以后,当仆人还在给他宽衣的时候,他已经拿起一本书来读,读书之后继而睡眠,睡眠之后便在客厅和俱乐部闲谈,闲谈之后继而狂饮,追求女人,狂饮之后继而闲谈读书和纵酒。
Denisov on that night celebrated his promotion to major , and , towards the end of the carousal , after a good deal of drinking , rostov proposed a toast to the health of the emperor , but not our sovereign the emperor , as they say at official dinners , said he , but to the health of the emperor , the good , enchanting , great man , let us drink to his health , and to a decisive victory over the french 杰尼索夫这天夜里庆祝他被提升为少校军官,罗斯托夫已经喝得相当多了,酒宴结束时他为祝贺国王而不是皇帝陛下健康而干杯,这和正式宴会上大家的说法有所不同,他说道, “为祝贺仁慈伟大令人赞赏的国王健康而干杯,我们为他的健康而干杯,为我军必胜法军必败而干杯! ”