| 1. | But how can cash - strapped hospitals afford it 但是缺乏经费的医院负担得起吗? |
| 2. | That would certainly be a relief to libya ' s cash - strapped wage earners 这对利比亚勒紧裤带的工薪族来说是个解脱。 |
| 3. | Did you notice that cash - strapped couples are buying fewer engagement rings 你是否留意到现在拮据的夫妻很少购买订婚戒指吗? |
| 4. | When you think about your net worth , forget your well - heeled sister and focus on your cash - strapped brother 想知道自己到底身价几许时,别去想家境殷实的姐姐,多想想一贫如洗的哥哥好了。 |
| 5. | Cash - strapped states look covetously at indian casinos , which pay fewer taxes than businesses off the reservation 财政贫乏的周州政府正贪婪的盯着印地安部落的赌场,因为他们比部落的其他生意交的税更少。 |
| 6. | Its cash - strapped employees still depend for various services , such as transport , on the oil companies they are supposed to monitor 它的那些穷光蛋雇员们仍然依赖他们应该去监管的石油公司的各种各样的服务,比如说运输。 |
| 7. | One cash - strapped indian city has launched a unique collection service to dislodge payment from tax deadbeats : door - to - door eunuchs 印度一财政陷入困境的城市最近采用了一种独特的征税方式:太监上门征税来胁迫欠税者缴税。 |
| 8. | That would allow the greener ones to maintain the current ban , while freeing the more cash - strapped ones to pursue a windfall from royalties 这样不仅维护了现有的环保法规,而且由海上油气开采税收当中解决了财政紧张的问题。 |
| 9. | But many cash - strapped local officials have chronically underfunded such long - to - germinate human investment and focused instead on short - term , revenue - generating schemes 今天,中国是唯一一个将医疗、社会安全和教育的责任放在地方政府的手里的国家。 |
| 10. | Free and secure accommodation , no bills and even the odd home - cooked meal . it sounds like the perfect living arrangement for cash - strapped students 免费又安全的住宿,不用交房租,偶尔甚至还有家常菜可以吃,对于阮囊羞涩的大学生来说,听起来就像天堂一样的美好。 |