| 1. | Some people did not like this ceremonial style . 有些人不喜欢这种拘于仪式的作风。 |
| 2. | Every manager must perform some duties of a ceremonial nature . 每个管理者必须执行一些礼仪性的任务。 |
| 3. | The purely ceremonial aspects of official visits bored kennedy . 正式访问的纯礼仪方面,使肯尼迪感到厌烦。 |
| 4. | Even today, many french expressions occur in traditional ceremonial language . 甚至到了今天,在传统的正式语言中,还存在许多法语表达形式。 |
| 5. | There are situations less rigid than the ceremonial address or the formal written message . 有些场合不需要像正式讲演或正规文字那么严格拘谨。 |
| 6. | I was overcome with ceremonial feelings but unable to remember the proper formula . 我情不自禁地被礼仪上的情感控制住了,可是想不起恰当的客套话。 |
| 7. | He must not only conduct everyday and ceremonial affairs, but rise to great emergencies . 他不单单要处理日常和典礼上的事务,而且也对紧急事项应付自如。 |
| 8. | A contingent of troops in ceremonial dress representing a colorful array of flags waited for review . 一支代表各军、兵种,手持彩旗身着礼服的队伍正在等待检阅。 |
| 9. | His father, still in the hat and coat, appeared at once formal and burlesque as though dressed carefully for some shabby and ceremonial violence . 他父亲仍旧戴着帽子,穿着短上衣,忽然显得一本正经而又滑稽可笑,好象精心打扮好了要去参加某种卑贱而又需按仪式行礼的暴力行为似的。 |
| 10. | This ceremonial dress is to be starched and pressed . - 这套夜礼服浆一浆再熨。 |