| 1. | It was this which secretly chagrined her . 这使她暗地里很恼火。 |
| 2. | He was preoccupied with chagrin and etiquette . 他耿耿于怀的是经受的屈辱和礼仪。 |
| 3. | He was preoccupied with chagrin and etiquette . 他耿耿于怀的是经受的是屈辱和应有的仪礼。 |
| 4. | His increasingly visible chagrin sets up a vicious circle . 他的明显的不满引起了一种恶性循环。 |
| 5. | Chagrin is not something a great man often acknowledges . 一位伟大的人物往往是不肯承认自己恼羞成怒的。 |
| 6. | He was always a little chagrined that roth was jewish . 只要一想起罗思是犹太人的一员,他总是有点不安。 |
| 7. | I am at a loss to find words with which to express my chagrin and grief . 我实在寻不出适当的字句来表白心中的悔恨与悲痛。 |
| 8. | As his eye passed hastily over the words, his countenance changed from its look of military pride to one of deep chagrin . 当他的目光急急地从一行行字上掠过时,脸上那军人高傲神情,也跟着变成了深深的悔恨与失望。 |
| 9. | Much to his chagrin , he come last in the race 使他非常懊恼的是,他在比赛中未能取胜。 |
| 10. | Much to his chagrin , he came last in the race 他因跑个倒数第一而垂头丧气 |