Still, this form of indirect communication and tacit restraint was slow and chancy . 不过,这种间接信息和暗自抑制的方式,毕竟还是太慢,而且也不太确实。
If this method of progress seems chancy and wasteful, it has the merit of its faults . 如果这种进步的方法好像太碰机会,也太浪费了,它的缺点也不无利益的功绩。
That was a chancy thing to do ; you could have been killed 那事做起来可真危险,当时你很有可能会遇害。
He never turned back . his departure seemed to be followed by a journey in a winding train that was taking him into the chancy future in the infinite twilight 他一直没有回头,他仿佛坐上一串很长很长的列车,在茫茫夜色中开往朦胧的未来。