Night came on ; the train passed on at full speed , in the midst of the roaring of tigers , bears , and wolves which fled before the locomotive ; and the marvels of bengal , golconda , ruined gour , murshedabad , the ancient capital , burdwan , hugly , and the french town of chandernagor , where passepartout would have been proud to see his country s flag flying , were hidden from their view in the darkness 人们既没有看见孟加拉的美景,也没有看见各尔贡和吉尔的废墟既没有看见印度以前的京城穆尔希加巴,也没有看见布尔敦既没有看见乌各里,也没有看见法国在印度领土上的那个据点昌德纳戈尔路路通如果能看到祖国的旗帜在这个据点上空飘扬的话,也许还会更得意呢!
The general route of the great indian peninsula railway is as follows : - leaving bombay , it passes through salcette , crossing to the continent opposite tannah , goes over the chain of the western ghauts , runs thence north - east as far as burhampoor , skirts the nearly independent territory of bundelcund , ascends to allahabad , turns thence eastwardly , meeting the ganges at benares , then departs from the river a little , and , descending south - eastward by burdivan and the french town of chandernagor , has its terminus at calcutta 火车离开孟买岛穿过萨尔赛特岛,进入位于塔那前面的大陆腹地,穿过西高止山脉向东北直达布尔汉普尔,再穿过差不多可以算是独立的本德尔汗德上邦的领地,北上到阿拉哈巴德,再向东进,在贝拿勒斯与恒河相遇,然后离开恒河不远向东南下行经过布德万和法属殖民地昌德纳戈尔直奔终点站加尔各答。
The rest of the furniture of this privileged apartment consisted of old cabinets , filled with chinese porcelain and japanese vases , lucca della robbia faience , and palissy platters ; of old arm - chairs , in which perhaps had sat henry iv or sully , louis xiii or richelieu - for two of these arm - chairs , adorned with a carved shield , on which were engraved the fleur - de - lis of france on an azure field evidently came from the louvre , or , at least , some royal residence . over these dark and sombre chairs were thrown splendid stuffs , dyed beneath persia s sun , or woven by the fingers of the women of calcutta or of chandernagor 在这个倍受宠幸的房间里,还有别的家具,其中包括法兰西一世时代的旧柜子,里面摆满了中国和日本的花瓶,卢加或罗比亚的陶器,巴立赛的餐碟此外还有古色古香的圈椅,大概是亨利四世或萨立公爵,路易十三或红衣主教黎赛留曾坐过的,因为在两三张圈椅上,都雕刻着一个盾牌,盾牌是淡青色的,上面雕有百合花花纹的法国国徽,显然是卢浮宫的藏物,至少也是皇亲国戚府里的东西。