The snake man of chennai in india turns on the charm with a little trick to clear the head 印度金奈市的这名“蛇人”正在施展魔法让你醒脑!
The indian operation is headquartered in chennai and is supported by a staff force of around 200 部门在印度的总部位于金奈,员工人数约200名。
Owing to the mass migration , one comes across rows of houses in certain parts of chennai inhabited only by the elderly 移民大军滚滚而去,因此在吉莱的某些区域,人们可看到排排屋舍中只住着老人。
Along india ' s southeastern coast , several villages appeared to have been swept away , and thousands of fishermen - including 2 , 000 from the chennai area alone - who were out at sea when when the massive waves swept across the waters have not returned 由此地震引发的大海啸最高时高达10米,波及斯里兰卡泰国马来西亚,印度等东南亚国家沿海地区,造成巨大的经济损失,超过11000人死亡,大片地方被海水淹没。
The financial centre of bombay has become mumbai , the southern city of madras is now chennai , and calcutta is kolkata . " the decision has been taken . most likely it will be from november , 2006 , " a spokesman for state chief minister dharam singh said on monday 班加罗尔拥有650万人口,目前该市从事高科技及办公服务行业的公司数量已超过1500家,印度的软件及办公服务业的年产值高达170亿美元,该市则占到了其中的三分之一。
In response to the disaster , a relief team from the singapore center arrived in chennai , india on december 29 . after gathering preliminary information on the situation , the team traveled 330 km south to the fishing community of nagappatinam , which experienced a severe impact from the tidal wave 12月29日,新加坡小中心救援队抵达印度千奈chennai ,在初步了解灾情后,随即往南跋涉了330公里的路程,前往重灾区纳佳帕提那nagappatinam渔村。
Raj , a resident of tsunami - devastated kottilpadu town , 700 kilometres 430 miles from the state capital chennai , lost her four children - pramod , pratima , pradisha and ranjitha to the towering waves . doctors reversed her tubal ligation after she told them she could not bear the prospect of a childless future 拉吉住在距离泰米尔纳德邦首府金奈市700公里远的考提尔帕杜镇上,该镇在去年的海啸中几乎被彻底摧毁,而她的4个孩子均被海啸夺去了生命。
Dr hiramalini seshadri , senior consultant , holistic internal medicine & rheumatology , apollo hospitals , chennai , lists the common symptoms of hypothyroidism : weight gain , swelling of feet , puffy face , sluggishness , constipation , excessie menstrual bleeding , dry skin , hair loss , depression , poor memory and intolerance to cold 来自印度青奈阿波罗医院的整体内科学和风湿病学部门的高级顾问医生海拉马里尼?瑟莎丽博士列举了一系列甲状腺机能减退症的常见症状:体重增加、脚肿、面部浮肿、行动迟缓、便秘、月经出血过多、皮肤干燥、脱发、抑郁、记忆力减退和怕冷。
The third chapter discusses that the software industry in india shows a high degree of geographical concentration . the software technology parks ( stps ) , located in bombay , bangalore , delhi , chennai and calcutta , are the major centers of software production and export . a case study of the software industry in bangalore is presented , aiming at analyzing the function of stps 论文的第三章对产业聚集的相关理论作出综述,以印度软件技术园区的发展实践为背景,将印度“硅谷”班加罗尔软件技术园区作为案例,探讨了软件技术园区的产业聚集效应,指出依托软件技术园区形成产业聚集,是印度软件产业发展的内部动力和深层原因。