On july 6 , 1946 , in manhattan , sylvester enzio stallone was born to a chorine and an italian immigrant 1946年7月6日,他出生在曼哈顿,母亲是为歌舞团演员,父亲是意大利的侨民。
Hcg test strip hcg human chorines gonadotropin begins to appear in female body after conception . it is important for female to test hcg earliest 女性在怀孕以后体内会开始分泌绒毛膜促性腺激素,早期检测该激素,对女性具有非常重要的指导意义。
This paper expounds the occurrence mode , harms and removal of the chorine in coal , and points out the main problems existing in the research on these aspects 论述了煤中氯的赋存形态以及煤中氯的危害、脱除方法,同时指出了在煤中氯研究方面存在的主要问题。
If you have ever smelled a liquid laundry bleach such as clorox , you havesmelled chorine , which escapes from the bleach in small amounts 如果你曾经嗅到过洗衣店进行漂白时从里边飘出的味道(夹杂着次氯酸钠的气味) ,那末大部分歌舞团女演员的味道也和那差不多- - - - -只有很少一部分人是例外。
If you have ever smelled a liquid laundry bleach such as clorox , you havesmelled chorine , which escapes from the bleach in small amounts 如果你曾经嗅到过洗衣店进行漂白时从里边飘出的味道(如次氯酸钠的气味) ,那末氯气的味道也和那差不多- - - - -漂白的时候这种气体会存在少量的挥发的现象。
The preoxidation by three chemicals , such as potassium permanganate , chorine and ozone , and its influence on the subsequent processes were analyzed . the results showed that proxidation could improve the quality of the water after followng treatment processes 论文研究了高锰酸钾、氯、臭氧预氧化效果以及对后续气浮、过滤等常规工艺处理效果的影响,实验结果表明预氧化能提高后续处理工艺出水水质。
The effects of potassium permanganate , chorine and ozone were compared and the results showed that although all of them could enhance coagulation and then reduce the turbidity of the water after subsequent treatment units , potassium permanganate and ozone were more effective to ensure the quality of the water after air - flotation and sand - filtration 对高锰酸钾、氯和臭氧三种氧化剂进行分析比较,结果表明三种氧化剂均能提高混凝效果,但高锰酸钾预氧化和预臭氧化在提高气浮和过滤出水水质保障率方面均优于预氯化。