When i was in trouble , he would chuff me up and help me 当我遇到麻烦时,他就会鼓励并帮助我。
The sleepy pup 24 ) tilted his head and chuffed a welcome 昏昏欲睡的小狗斜着头,呜呜地叫着表示欢迎。
If you don ' t entertain much , your guests may be unreasonably chuffed when you do ask them round 如果你不怎么爱搞社交活动,当你真的请人来做客的时候,你的客人们可能会喜出望外。
Wright snr told bbc sport : " i am just so chuffed . it ' s been two - and - a - half years of trying to keep him going 老赖特告诉《 bbc体育》 : “我太开心了。为了让他继续待在英格兰国家队,我们努力了2年半。 ”
If the secret of success in the cinema is to anticipate the popular mood , thailand ' s film industry should be feeling pretty chuffed [ 1 ] 假如电影业的成功秘诀就是投大众所好,那么泰国电影业一定会感到高兴。
I ' m sad for buying this dao for oppidan . such a worn thing , it becomes good finally . oppidan isn ' t smarter than chuff 我为城里人买此刀而伤心,如此破旧之物,终成金屋藏娇的善果(金螯) 。城里人还是不如乡下人聪明啊。
They had their head - lights on , by the time they passed crosshill , and the small lit - up train that chuffed past in the cutting made it seem like real night 当她们经过克罗斯山时,她们的车灯亮着,在壕道里驶过的光亮的小火车,使人觉和是在夜间了。
On a frosty morning with a little february sun , clifford and connie went for a walk across the park to the wood . that is , clifford chuffed in his motor - chair , and connie walked beside him 一个二月的有淡淡阳光的降霜的早晨,克利福和康妮出去散步,穿过大花园向树林里走去,克利福驶着他的小自动车,康妮在他旁边步行。
The chair chuffed slowly up the incline , rocking and jolting on the frozen clods . and suddenly , on the left , came a clearing where there was nothing but a ravel of dead bracken , a thin and spindly sapling leaning here and there , big sawn stumps , showing their tops and their grasping roots , lifeless . and patches of blackness where the woodmen had burned the brushwood and rubbish 小车子馒慢地驶上斜坡,在冰陈了的泥块上颠簸着前进,忽然左边现出一块空地,是儿只有一丛枯稿了的蕨草,四下杂布着一些斜倾的细长的小树,几根锯断了的大树桩,毫无生气地露着顶和根还有几处乌黑的地方,那是樵夫们焚烧树枝乱草和废物过后的痕迹。