| 1. | She lies buried in a little churchyard by the river . 她被安葬在河边的一个小教堂的墓地上。 |
| 2. | This bleak place overgrown with nettles was the churchyard . 那蔓草丛生的凄凉地方是教堂公墓。 |
| 3. | In all the churchyard only one grave is always fresh and well cared for . 在整个墓地,只有这座坟照料得好,总是生机盎然。 |
| 4. | The dark flat wilderness beyond the churchyard was intersected with dykes and mounds and gates . 墓地对面那一大片黑压压的荒地就是沼地,沼地上堤坝纵横,横一个土墩,竖一道水闸。 |
| 5. | A green christmas makes a fat churchyard 暖和而不下雪的耶诞节会有很多人死亡。 |
| 6. | It is to be carried to the churchyard in the evening 要在晚上运到礼拜堂的墓园。 |
| 7. | His mortal remains are buried in the churchyard 他的遗体埋葬在教堂的墓地里 |
| 8. | The family buried the dead relatives in the churchyard 家人把已故的亲属葬在教堂墓地。 |
| 9. | They laid the dead shepherd to sleep in the churchyard 他们把死去的羊倌葬在教堂墓地。 |
| 10. | He was buried in the churchyard after death 他死后被葬在教堂的墓地里。 |