Chinese translation for "ciu"
- 克乌
奇乌 齐乌 软考联盟顾问团 中国软考联盟
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Ciu computer interface unit 计算机接口设备 | | 2. | The tram ( train ) * to ciu ( tiu ) * keng leng is arriving ; please let passenger exit first , thank you 列车到达车站往调景岭列车即将到站,请先让乘客落车,多谢合作。 | | 3. | Ciu is the corporate name for the three schools : columbia bible college is the undergraduate division ; columbia biblical seminary graduate school of 世纪的教学过程当中,学校的的确确为国内的教育作出了巨大的贡献,力争成为美国最好的学校之一。 | | 4. | The dissertation first analyzes the applied signification of pc communicating with dcs , then studies theory of interface ciu and methods of communication through it . the paper compares several identification methods and selects three methods based on ls , and discusses the methods to analyze the control system . at last , three functions above are synthesized into software 论文分析pc机与分散控制系统通信,实现数据的延伸与共享所具有的实用意义;研究了计算机接口ciu的通信原理以及使用通信接口与系统进行通信的各种方案;深入学习系统辨识技术,采用基于最小二乘的三种经典方法对采集到的数据进行模型辨识;对系统分析方法进行了初步探讨。 |
- Similar Words:
- "citywalk" Chinese translation, "cityward" Chinese translation, "citywide" Chinese translation, "city(urban)pla er" Chinese translation, "city(urban)pla ing" Chinese translation, "ciu cell input unit" Chinese translation, "ciu central interface unit" Chinese translation, "ciu channel interface unit" Chinese translation, "ciu communication interface unit" Chinese translation, "ciu computer interface unit" Chinese translation