A experimental study on repairing bone defect and preventing infection of clindamycin loaded coral artificial bone 载药珊瑚人工骨修复骨缺损及预防感染的实验研究
Methods : the patients were alternatively smeared bactroban and clindamycin on the affected parts every 5 - 6 hours 方法:外涂氯洁霉素、百多邦,每5 - 6小时一次,二者交替使用。
The drug , a clindamycin phosphate glucose injection , is also thought to have made as many as eighty patients sick with severe adverse reactions ranging from nausea to kidney and liver damage 这种名为克林霉素磷酸酯葡萄糖注射液的药被认为同时还导致80位病人出现严重的不良反应,这些反应导致从恶心到肝肾等不同程度损害。