| 1. | Clonal propagation can also give some large gains in a relatively short time . 繁殖无性系也可以在较短期间内提供较大的增益。 |
| 2. | Its use is limited to the preservation of breeding material or the establishment of clonal seed orchards . 其用途仅限于保持育种材料或建立无性系种子园。 |
| 3. | In the northwest, they are being planted by hedgerow on seedling roots, clonal and dwarfing stocks . 在西北部地区用灌木树篱把它接在实生砧、无性砧及矮化砧上。 |
| 4. | Clonal propagation of plants by runners is based on meristematic activity of the differentiated cells of the plants . 植物通过长匐茎的无性繁殖基于植株分化细胞的分生活性 |
| 5. | Grant discussed these seven phenomena under five headlings: the clonal complex(1), the agamic complex(2) . Grant在5个标题下讨论这7种现象:无性系复合体(1)无融合生殖复合体(2)。 |
| 6. | The species and clonal composition of an orchard will, therefore, influence the amount of selfed seed in the total seed yield . 因此,种子园的树种和无性系组成,会影响种子总产量中自交种子所占的数量。 |
| 7. | After 10 to 15 years of clonal testing, mixture of 25 to 50 clones, often belonging to several families, have been released for commercial use . 经过1015年无性系测定后,常常将属于几个家系的2550个无性系混合起来,大量投入生产使用。 |
| 8. | Clonal strategy algorithm based on the immune memory 基于免疫记忆的克隆策略算法 |
| 9. | The clonal propagation of balsam pear momordica charantiaia l 苦瓜试管苗的快速繁殖 |
| 10. | Preliminary report on clonal propagation of euonymus carnosus 肉花卫矛的无性繁殖试验初报 |