It is especially important to have a high level of vitamin a liver storage in the event that young chicks contract a severe case of coccidiosis . 当幼雏患严重球虫病的情况下,高水平的维生素A肝贮量是特别重要的。
Study on the coccidiosis prevention with recombinant etp28 antigen 28抗原免疫预防球虫病的研究
Diagnostic techniques for animal coccidiosis 动物球虫病诊断技术
Investigation of coccidiosis kinds of sheep in ziniquan sheep breeding farm , shihezi 石河子紫泥泉种羊场绵羊球虫种类调查
Experimental study on prevention effect of pulsatilta chinensis regal on coccidiosis in chickens 白头翁水提液预防鸡球虫病作用的研究
It is especially important to have a high level of vitamin a liver storage in the event that young chicks contract a severe case of coccidiosis 当幼雏患严重球虫病的情况下,高水平的维生素a肝贮量是特别重要的。
Indicated for streptococcus disease , toxoplasmosis , coccidiosis , yellow scours and white scours of young animal , edema , mastitis of female animals , metritis , and puerperal fever etc 犬猫链球菌病、犬弓形体病、球虫病、幼仔畜腹泻及母畜乳房炎、子宫炎、产襦热等。
The western poultry conference is one of the major usa for international poultry health specialists . this year the attention was focused on salmonella , avian influenza , gumboro and coccidiosis 西部禽病大会是在美国召开的国际禽类健康专家主要会议之一,本次会议主要议题为沙门氏菌病、禽流感、传染性法氏囊病和球虫病。
Biogen - tab is an effective and invaluable medicine for many poultry diseases , particularly chronic respiratory disease , infectious coryza , salmonelloses fowl typhoid and paratyphoid infection , blue comb disease , fowl cholera , coccidiosis , and leucocytozoon disease . the diseases infected by virus , such as newcastl disease , avian encephalomyelitis are found not to be effected by biogen - tab treatment 爱禽美对许多家禽疾病是相当有效的药品,特别是慢性呼吸器病,通称crd ,传染性可利查,沙士杆菌病如家禽伤寒,副伤寒,蓝冠病,家禽霍乱,球虫病,及白冠病等但有些疾病,由病毒感染者无效如新城鸡瘟,传染性喉头气管炎