However , those experienced in navigation saw plainly that if any accident had occurred , it was not to the vessel herself , for she bore down with all the evidence of being skilfully handled , the anchor a - cockbill , the jib - boom guys already eased off , and standing by the side of the pilot , who was steering the pharaon towards the narrow entrance of the inner port , was a young man , who , with activity and vigilant eye , watched every motion of the ship , and repeated each direction of the pilot 因为从各方面来看,它并无丝毫失去操纵的迹象。领港员正在驾驶着动作敏捷的法老号通过马赛港狭窄的甬道进口。在领港员的旁边,有一青年正在动作敏捷地打着手势,他那敏锐的眼光注视着船的每一个动作,并重复领港员的每一个命令。