Cotinine and other metabolites are excreted in your urine 大约80的尼古丁在肝脏里酶的催化作用下分解成可铁宁。
Study on determination of nicotine and cotinine in human hair by hplc with rapid column 高效液相色谱法测定头发中的尼古丁和可天宁
Children who live in homes where smoking is allowed have higher cotinine levels than children who live in homes where smoking is not allowed 生活在吸烟家庭的孩子,其体内可替宁的含量要高于那些生活在不吸烟家庭的孩子。
Children aged 3 - 11 years have cotinine levels ( a biological marker for secondhand smoke exposure ) more than twice as high as nonsmoking adults 3到11岁的被动吸烟的孩子与那些家长不吸烟的孩子相比,他们体内可替宁(作为二手烟吸入量的一种血液标记)的含量要高出两倍多。