| 1. | The korean craftsmen took this artistic skill with them to japan . 朝鲜工匠把这种艺能带到了日本。 |
| 2. | Morris intended to foster an art restoring the dignity of the craftsman . 莫里斯的目的在于扶植一种能恢复手工艺工人威望的艺术。 |
| 3. | It is said one of the emperors admired a particularly intricate grasshopper cage, one of his craftsman had constructed . 据说一位皇帝十分赞赏一位能工巧匠做的一个精致的蝈蝈笼。 |
| 4. | Daedalus took refuge in gretan cnossus, where king minos delighted to welcome so skilled a craftsman . 代达罗斯在克里特岛的克诺索斯避难。弥诺斯国王极为乐意地接纳了这位多才多艺的工匠。 |
| 5. | A wonderful doctor named robert yanover took me to a crusty, brilliant old craftsman named george dorsch . 一位叫做罗伯特晏诺华的本领高强的医生带我去见一位叫做乔治杜许的倔强而聪明的老匠人。 |
| 6. | A wonderful doctor named robert yanover took me to a crusty, brilliant old craftsman named george dorsch . 一位叫做罗伯特曼诺华的本领高强的医生带我去见一个叫做乔治杜许的倔强而聪明的老匠人。 |
| 7. | Papermaking originated in china in the second century b.c. paper made from linen in the early west han dynasty ( 206 b.c.-24 a.d. ) was the world 's earliest kind of paper made from plant fibres. by pooling the expertise of craftsmen in papermaking , cai lun of the east han dynasty ( 25 a. d.-220 a.d. ) succeeded in producing quality paper from linen craps , rags , and used fish nets. papermaking technology was introduced to the west in the third century . 公元前2世纪我国发明纸,而汉初造的麻纸是世界上现存最早的植物纤维纸。 |
| 8. | Water chestnut craftsman at the east bank of yunnan lake 滇池东岸的菱角手艺人 |
| 9. | This craftsman makes guitars in his workshop 这位工匠在他的工作间里做吉他。 |
| 10. | Attention to detail is the hallmark of a fine craftsman 能工巧匠的特点是一丝不苟 |