| 1. | Program coordinator culion leprosy control rehabilitation program 古莱恩麻疯病控制及复健计划主席 |
| 2. | Culion leprosy control rehabilitation program 麻疯病控制 |
| 3. | Culion 5315 , palawan , philippines 菲律宾巴拉湾古莱恩号 |
| 4. | Visiting lepers on culion island 探访古莱恩岛的淋疯病患 |
| 5. | Hoping you could consider visiting culion in one of your trips to the philippines in the near future 也期待您近期中若来到菲律宾,能考虑来访古莱恩。 |
| 6. | Master s power of love touches even the most desperate souls in every corner of the world like on culion island in the philippines 菲律宾古莱恩岛师父的爱力照耀世上每个角落亟需救助的灵魂。 |
| 7. | With the financial assistance of l . a . initiates , many culion residents have now built homes and are enjoying a better life 收到这笔爱心捐款后,目前该村居民已经建造好自己的家园,生活情况改善许多。 |
| 8. | Through master s loving care , the residents of the culion leper colony are now much happier and have less to worry about in the future 在师父的爱力加持下,如今卡力昂麻疯村的居民忧愁顿减,过著比以前快乐的生活。 |
| 9. | Under master s loving guidance , a quan yin messenger and local fellow initiates brought gifts to the lepers living on a small island called culion 由于师父的爱心指示,观音使者和巴拉湾同修携带礼物,前往古莱恩岛拜访麻疯病患。 |
| 10. | Greetings from culion ! this office acknowledge with sincere thanks and appreciation the following items , as gift to the leprosy patients of this institution 诚挚的献上我们的谢意及感激之情,我们已收到给本院麻疯病患的礼物如下: |