Some say the ceremonies in honor of cybele were adopted by the early church to venerate the mother of christ , mary 有人说这些仪式是早先的教会为纪念西布莉(古代小亚细亚的弗里吉亚自然女神)而举行的,以敬奉基督的母亲玛丽亚。
In keeping with his philosophy , he was perfectly satisfied with making his home in a large tub discarded from the temple of cybele , the goddess of nature 与他的哲学相一致,他拿一个别人从自然之母的庙里丢弃的大坛作为自己的家,还对此万分满意。
In keeping with his philosophy , he was perefectly satisfied with making his home in a large tub discarded from the temple of cybele , the goddess of nature 与他的哲学相一致,他拿一个从别人从自然之母的庙里丢弃的大坛作为自己的家,还对此万分满意。
Towards the second evening she reached the irregular chalk table - land or plateau , bosomed with semi - globular tumuli - as if cybele the many - breasted were supinely extended there - which stretched between the valley of her birth and the valley of her love 接近第二天黄昏的时候,她走到了一片高低不平的白垩地高地,或者说高原,高原上有一些半圆形的古墓仿佛是长了许多奶头的库柏勒女神躺在那儿这个高原伸展在她出生的那个山谷和她恋爱的山谷之问。