The research of improving teaching by using dato mining 论数据挖掘优化教学管理
Dato lim kok thay has also pledged continuous efforts to optimize fleet size and deployment to maximize synergies among the group s three cruise brands that operate worldwide 拿督林国泰同时强调,集团将继续致力强化船队规模,并且更有效率地调配旗下三大邮轮品牌在全球各地的船只,寻求更佳的协同效应。
We will continue to look out for opportunities to invest in megaships which are custom designed for freestyle cruising , a concept we innovated in contemporary cruising , " continued dato lim kok thay 自选海上假期是集团开创的现代邮轮旅游模式,集团将继续物色投资机会,建造适合经营自选海上假期的大型客运邮轮。
The two sessions were also attended by officers from the brunei darussalam s judiciary department and legal department headed by the honourable the attorney general dato paduka kifrawi and the chief registrar datin paduka hayati 汶莱司法部及律政部职员由律政专员dato paduka kifrawi和总注册官datin paduka hayati带领下,出席两节讨论。
" we are very encouraged by the active participation of leading banks in the syndication . this fully indicates their confidence in the business strategy and growth potential of star cruises , " said dato lim kok thay 拿督林国泰表示:集团非常鼓舞得到各大主要银行积极参与是次银团贷款安排,充分证明他们对集团的业务策略及增长潜力充满信心。