The dissertation brings forward a method for msm decomposability , in which mission 论文提出了msm模型的使命-阶段-任务的逐级分解方法。
2 . by using the internal force - decomposability method , a numerical means was applied for the analysis of the test data , so we can probe into the situation of the internal force change on the steel and rpc , based on these , the simplified calculating formula is suggested 2 、采用内力分解分析法,对圆钢管rpc试件试验数据进行数值分析,分别探讨了圆钢管rpc在极限荷载状态下的钢管和rpc各自的内力变化情况,据此,提出圆钢管rpc极限承载力的简化计算公式。
Based on the result , a brief and economical method was proposed to test the carbohydrate of the stem or leaf nearby the ear with the saccharimeter , or to examine the decomposability rate of the dry matter of this part , instead of the test of the dry matter decomposability rate of the whole plant 以此为依据,可用速效测糖仪测定雌穗节附近茎或茎叶的糖分含量,或测定此部分的干物分解率,进而推测全茎叶的干物分解率,在消化性状选育上达到简便、快速、经济、有效的选择目的。
Maize varieties with different digestive rate were analyzed , and it was proved that the dry matter decomposability rate of the stem and leaf in 2 ( superscript nd ) and 3 ( superscript rd ) node above the ear were markedly correlated to the dry matter decomposability rate of the whole plant , whereas less or no correlation between the dry matter decomposability rate and the carbohydrate content of different nodes to that of the whole plant was found 摘要对不同玉米品种茎节消化性状进行了分析,从不同茎节茎、叶、茎叶的干物分解率和糖分含量与全茎叶干物分解率的相关性看,雌穗着生节向上和向下2 ~ 3节位的茎、茎叶与全茎叶干物分解率呈高度相关,不同节位叶的干物分解率、糖分含量与全茎叶干物分解率之间相关较低或无相关性。