n. 1.【法律】异议,抗辩。 2.抗辩者。 短语和例子 enter [put in] a demurrer 提出异议,反对。
Example Sentences:
On simultaneously performing the right of demurrer 论同时履行抗辨权
Thoughts on some problems in civil demurrer - on a dispute case on house business between mr . zheng and mr . liang 郑义贵与梁瑞房屋买卖纠纷案评析
Mr bloom thoroughly acquiesced in the general gist of this though the mystical finesse involved was a bit out of his sublunary depth still he felt bound to enter a demurrer on the head of simple , promptly rejoining 尽管就世俗的布卢姆先生而言,这番带有神秘韵味的妙论是多少过于深奥了些,然而他对这种思路的要旨还是完全默认了。
As a result , the circulation and safety become the core legal value pursued by the whole negotiable instruments law while demurrer of negotiable instruments is the essential system to realize the value 票据抗辩是票据法体系中重要的组成部分,有效维护了票据债务人的利益,实现了票据法体系内在的平衡。票据抗辩,并非单一的问题,而由许多问题集合而成的。
This paper discusses the key problems concerning the status quo of legislation , value of legislation as well as basic system of demurrer of negotiable instruments . the author ’ s advice on the legislation is also given in the paper . the paper includes four parts 本文首先从票据抗辩的概念入手,对大陆法系国家票据抗辩立法和英美法系国家票据抗辩立法现状进行了对比阐释,指出了我国票据抗辩立法的一些问题。
The concept of demurrer of negotiable instruments and the right of demurrer of negotiable instruments are made clear in the first place : the demurrer of negotiable instruments refers to the act that the bill debtor ’ s refusal to fulfill negotiable instruments ’ obligation as a certain or general holder with legal reason proposed in accordance with the law 接着对票据抗辩的立法价值和基本制度进行了分析,总结出票据抗辩在票据法理论中和票据实践中不容忽视的作用。最后,对我国现有的票据立法的空白和缺陷加以归纳、总结,在结合上述理论分析的基础上,提出完善我国票据立法的一些构想和建议。
Apart from the introduction , in chapter two , the demurrer and negotiable instruments counterplea , the author expounds the status of negotiable instruments counterplea in the common demurrer theory and the difference and link between negotiable instrument counterplea and the demurrer in civil law , which is the basis of studying negotiable instruments counterplea 第三章票据理论和票据抗辩理论,介绍世界票据抗辩理论的源流,其中包括票据严正理论的演变,纸币说到无因性理论的确立,契约说、创造说、发行说的对立,交付契约欠缺的抗辩与权利外观理论的价值,新抗辩理论的历史意义等。