Clinical therapeutic effect of xiehuangfuning ointment in treatment of dermatophytosis 蟹黄肤宁软膏临床疗效观察
Factors influencing infection of dermatophytosis in chinese people ' armed police forces soldiers 武警部队战士皮肤真菌感染影响因素探讨
Present status and countermeasure of liquor workers with dermatophytosis from large companies 大型酿酒企业工人感染皮肤癣菌病的现状与对策
Dermatophytosis is a common infectious disease in dogs and cats , and it can be infected each other within pets or between pets and human beings 皮肤丝状菌病是犬、猫的常见传染病,并且可以在动物与人之间,动物与动物之间互相传染。