| 1. | The redevelopment of the image capture card of dh - cg 400的图像采集卡的二次开发 |
| 2. | Community physician new territories east , dh 生署新界东区办事处首席社会医学医生 |
| 3. | Dh 1540 - notification of congenital malformation 申报出生婴儿患有先天性异常表格 |
| 4. | Dh to start phase two of five - day week next month 生署下月实施第二阶段五天工作周 |
| 5. | Dh statement on preparedness for influenza pandemic 生署就流感大流行应变计划的声明 |
| 6. | Dh statement on stockpiling of antiviral drugs ?生署就储存禽流感抗病毒药物发表声明 |
| 7. | Dh notified of a sars case by guangdong 生署接到广东通报严重急性呼吸系统综合症个案 |
| 8. | Dh : you can ' t just leave him down there . he ' ll die 你不能把他丢在下面,他会死的。 |
| 9. | Dh monitoring new suspected sars case in guangdong 生署密切注视广东新增疑似沙士个案 |
| 10. | Dh closely monitoring safety of lifescan blood glucose meters 生署密切监察血糖机安全 |