The dissertion , after introducing physical geography situation and societal economic sitiuation of chongqing , has also analysed the basic feature of water resources in chongqing , at present the water resources utilization in chongqing is still in traditional phase . there are so many faults and shortcomings in water resources management system . the construction of water resources institutions and regulations is fallen behind . the supply of water resoures has not sufficiently satisfied the demand to water resources . the condition of water quality has not radically improved . soil losses is still serious . the incidence of flood and drought is very high . in accordance with present condition of water resources utilization in chongqing , the dissertion argues that it should strengthen people ' s understanding to water resources sustainable utilization for chongqing ; reform the present water rexources management system and have a try on water affairs management system in chongqing ; make effort to construction of water resources " institutions and regulations ; realize demand management , constuct save - water model society ; according to actual condition , strength water utilization constrution , then realize the balance between water resources supply and demand ; according to the idea of " control resources , conduct flow " , control water pollution , realize sanitary generation ; control soil losses and protect water enviroment ; construc t the system of flood control and diaster prevent 在对重庆市的自然地理情况和社会经济情况作了介绍之后,还分析了重庆市水资源的基本特征,目前重庆市的水资源利用还处在传统的开发利用阶段,水资源管理体制还存在许多弊端,水的法规制度建设也相对落后,水的供给还不能完全满足需求,水质状况没有得到根本性的改善,水土流失还很严重,水旱灾害发生的频率比较高。针对重庆市水资源利用的现状,本文提出:应加强对水资源持续利用的认识;改革目前重庆市的水管理体制,尝试水务局管理体制,相应加强水的法规和制度建设,实现需水管理,建立节水型社会;根据实际情况,加强水利建设,实现水的供需平衡;依据“控源导流”的思想控制水污染,实现清洁生产;治理水土流失,保护水环境;建设防洪减灾体系。