| 1. | The eyes look out with directness and authority . 两只眼睛流露出直率而威严的神情。 |
| 2. | "yes." he still found gwen's directness disconcerting . “是的”但他觉得桂温这样单刀直入有点令人难堪。 |
| 3. | Strickland had the directness of the fanatic and the ferocity of the apostle . 斯特里克兰德有着盲信者的直截了当和使徒的狂热不羁。 |
| 4. | He never quarreled with the directness and incisiveness of cowperwood's action . 他对柯帕乌举动的直截了当,锋利无比,从不表示异议。 |
| 5. | The constraint of the situation was a little relaxed and annixter, with directness glanced sharply at the young woman . 紧张的局面松驰了一些,安尼克斯特就直截了当的朝这年轻的姑娘锐利的望了一眼。 |
| 6. | Deerslayer met all the arguments and prevarications of this subtle opponent with his own cool directness of manner and unmoved love of truth . 杀鹿人以其镇静坦率的态度和直言不讳的性格驳倒了他狡猾的对手的种种诡辩和搪塞。 |
| 7. | In addition, in business we admire directness and often use language like a hammerand treat other opinions as if they were a nail . 此外,在事物中我们喜欢直截了当,经常使用象锤子一样的语言对待其他的意见,似乎它们就是钉子。 |
| 8. | Both of you a strong - you can say directness 你们都很强-跟我说话不用客气 |
| 9. | Said carrie , already learning directness of address 嘉莉已学会了直截了当。 |
| 10. | Directness and humanness are the characteristics of people 直叙性与人格感是“人”的特质。 |