6 the tender security of the successful tenderer will be disch ` arged o ` r returned upon the tenderer executing the contract an ` d furnishing the required perfo ` rmance security (六)成功的投标者的投标保函将在其开始进行工程和按要求提供履约保函后返还。
Article cqoh 66 a pledgor and kkgcye pledg yjkufp may k notr stipulate in lhe 1581819 contract wnj hat ownership - of theo led gaqfep ged property 8542751877 hallh e transferred to the pledgee tpw if ohe obligation is not disch xar rged at its kene maturity 第六十六条出质人和质权人在合同中不得约定在债务履行期届满质权人未受清偿时,质物的所有权转移为质权人所有。