| 1. | 73 introductory book note discipleship 73好书笔记门徒之仪 |
| 2. | Discipleship training movement 门徒训练运动 |
| 3. | Models of discipleship training . models of prayer , models of preaching . more dynamic , or more quiet models 门徒训练模式?祷告形式。讲道形式。动的模式,静的模式。 |
| 4. | In verse 24 jesus follows up his correction for peter by spelling out the real implications of true discipleship 在第24节里,耶稣通过解释清楚作真正的门徒的含义来继续纠正彼得。 |
| 5. | Ccf has its strong affiliations with north texas chinese church who is strongly focused on discipleship training 北德华人基督徒团契与注重门徒训练的北德华人教会有密切的联系关系。 |
| 6. | Offers both mission and purpose statements , also information about evangelism , worship , fellowship , discipleship and services -为教友提供福音传播的资源经验分享信仰交流最新资讯等。 |
| 7. | Training : providing cassette tapes with written training materials ; more than ten co - workers inside and outside china participating in discipleship and leadership training 培训:供应录音带连大纲培训资料;有十多位同工在国内/外长期培训。 |
| 8. | The doctrines on which our discipleship rests are clearest in the epistles , but the nature of discipleship itself is most vividly portrayed in the gospels 其实,有关门徒实践的教义,在书信里写得最清楚;但门徒实践的性质,却在福音书里有最传神的描绘。 |
| 9. | The necessity of faithful discipleship to jesus , and the demands of it , are not stressed . the cost of following jesus is not counted 我们并不强调尽忠跟随耶稣的必要及其中的要求(有些人甚至认为原则上是不应该强调的) ,因此跟随耶稣的代价也没有人去计算了。 |
| 10. | Pledge on donor s rights as a mission community , called by god , christian organizations seek to glorify god through social service , evangelism , discipleship and preaching of the word 基督教机构是上帝所呼召的使命群体,以关怀社会、传扬福音、训练门徒及宣讲圣道为首要职务,彰显上帝的荣耀。 |