From the point of accounting disinformation , the game analysis model on audit risk is established 摘要从会计信息失真这一角度出发,建立审计风险博弈分析模型。
The public is best served by a reasoned scientific approach , not by disinformation that stirs up emotions and false fears 我们需要通过运用充分证明科学方法来服务于公众,而不是通过虚假事件及中伤来造谣。 ”
During the 80s a " perception management " program run by the cia handled a disinformation operation aimed at deceiving the soviets about u . s . technological research 八十年代美国中情局进行的一项“观感管理计划” ,经手一个散布假消息的行动,目标是欺骗苏联,使其对美国的科研认识不实。
" this just proves that alternative distribution and marketing can sell more dvds than sticking to the traditional , slow , expensive and fading distribution model , " said gary baddeley , president of the disinformation company 这部纪录片的dvd每张售价12 . 95美元,特别是在沃尔玛“炮轰”该影片后,其销售量反而激增。