n. 【法律】恶意欺诈〔大陆法用语〕。 One is liable for dolus resulting in damages. 一个人要对恶意欺诈造成的损害负法律责任。
Example Sentences:
One is liable for dolus resulting in damages . 一个人要对恶意欺诈造成的损害负法律责任。
However , in chinese changing society , in one hand there are some “ bad faith ” transactions , such as contract dolus , escaping debts , making and selling goods of inferior quality & imitating prestiges and market economy confront faith crisis . in the other hand there are few people knowing the importance of good faith & how good faith influence transaction 然而在我国,一方面由于社会处于转型期,出现了合同欺诈、逃废债务、制售假冒伪劣产品等不诚信交易行为,市场经济面临诚信危机;另一方面对于诚信原则的重要性以及它对交易行为的影响却知之者甚少。