adj. 〔苏格兰语〕 1.阴郁的;严厉的。 2.倔强的,执拗的。 3.(土地)荒瘠不毛的,(岩石)嶙峋的。 短语和例子 a dour warning 严厉的警告。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
Example Sentences:
They were exposed to dour resistance 他们遭受到顽强的抵抗
A survey of dour ethnic concepts 达斡尔族伦理思想综论
The person you are addressing is rather dour and matter - of - fact 与你联系的人相当顽固并一副公事公办的姿态。
A woman wanders from job to job , getting fired just for her dour look 要捍卫爱情,就唯有牺牲理想,变卖自我,来一次没哭声的抉择。
He managed to continue work till nine o clock , and then marched dumb and dour to his chamber 他干活直干到九点钟,然后不声不响,执拗地走进他的卧房。
To a western eye , [ they ] seem poorly dressed , ill - groomed , dour and preoccupied ( peter lewis ) 在西方人看来,显得似乎衣着寒碜,不修边幅,桀骜不驯(彼得?刘易斯) 。
In spite dour warnings , he decided to invest in , that venture . i suppose it ' s case of fools rushing in where angels fear to tread 尽管我们都警告他还是决定投资那桩冒险生意,我想这就是“蠢人爱鲁莽行事” 。
Istanbul was a bit of a freaky game . do you think this one is going to revert back to the dour old english - italian one - goal - in - it affair 伊斯坦布尔决赛有点偏离常规。你认为这一次将恢复到保守的英格兰意大利式一球决胜?
The dour recluse still there he has his cake and the douce youngling , minion of pleasure , phedo s toyable fair hair . eh . . . i just eh . . 倔强的隐士依然在那儿呢他把点心拿在乎里535 ,还有那个文静的小伙子,小乖乖536 ,菲多那囝囝般的金发。