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Chinese translation for "eavesdropper"

Example Sentences:
1.The wiretap, the electronic eavesdroppers would have public approval .
2.Eavesdroppers never hear any good of themselves
3." and what did you think of this fine story , eavesdropper ?
“偷听者,你对这个美丽的故事怎么看? ”
4.I admit , i ' m an eavesdropper
5.Eve is the name that cryptographers give to an eavesdropper
而在量子加密法中, “伊芙”可以截取传输信息么?
6.Silence , eavesdropper ! cried catherine ; none of your insolence before me
凯瑟琳嚷着, “在我面前不容你放肆!
7.I can ' t tell you exactly where i am because we might have eavesdroppers
8.I was not aware there were eavesdroppers , muttered the detected villain
“我还不知道有偷听的人哩, ”这被发觉了的流氓咕噜着。
9.Guarantees that the data passed between the requester and provider is protected from eavesdroppers
10.The main feature of such protocol is that it is more sensitive to the attack of the eavesdropper
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