It was the secularization of the ecclesial university publications that brought greater effects than other ecclesiastic publications 由于教会大学出版物的世俗化,所以,其影响范围较之其他教会出版物更为广泛。
Catcher in the rye , ecclesiastics in the christian bible , and a number of my own observations of the world outside confirmed this feeling 麦田捕手基督教圣经里的传道书,以及自己对世界事物的观察,更加地肯定了这种感觉。
The sounds of the church singing ceased and the voice of the chief ecclesiastic was heard , respectfully congratulating the sick man on his reception of the mystery 唱诗中断了,可以听见一个神职人员恭敬地祝贺病人受圣礼。病人仍旧是死气沉沉地一动不动地躺着。
Each settlement is more or less independent , though periodically the high ecclesiastics of many cities will gather in a hidden cathedral that floats alone in the positive energy plane 每个社群各自为政,尽管各城的高阶神职者会定期在一座漂浮于正能量位面的秘密大教堂会面。 。
Mans limitation , said a little man , an ecclesiastic of some sort , to a lady , who was sitting near him listening navely to his words his limitation is fixed , there is no overstepping it “人的命运, ”一个年老的神职人员对坐在他近旁稚气地听他说话的女士说道, “命是注定的,不可逾越的。 ”
He was driven on , and other carriages came whirling by in quick succession ; the minister , the state - projector , the farmer - general , the doctor , the lawyer , the ecclesiastic , the grand opera , the comedy , the whole fancy ball in a bright continuous flow , came whirling by 马车载着他走了。别的车一辆接着一辆飞驰过来:总管谋士赋税承包商医生律师教士大歌剧演员喜剧演员,还有整个化装舞会的参加者,一道琳琅满目的人流飞卷而去。
Yet the dignity of the girl , the strange tenderness in her voice , combined to affect his nobler impulses - or rather those that he had left in him after ten years of endeavour to graft technical belief on actual scepticism . the man and the ecclesiastic fought within him , and the victory fell to the man 可是他一看到那个女孩子的庄重神情,一听到她说话中的奇特的柔和,他心中的高贵感情就被激发出来,或者说在他为了把机械的信仰嫁接到实际的怀疑主义之上而进行了数十年努力以后,他身上残留的一点儿感情又被激发出来了。
In spite of their unitarian proclivities and their masks of conservative broadmindedness , they were two generations behind interpretative science : their mental processes were mediaeval , while their thinking on the ultimate data of existence and of the universe struck him as the same metaphysical method that was as young as the youngest race , as old as the cave - man , and older - the same that moved the first pleistocene ape - man to fear the dark ; that moved the first hasty hebrew savage to incarnate eve from adam s rib ; that moved descartes to build an idealistic system of the universe out of the projections of his own puny ego ; and that moved the famous british ecclesiastic to denounce evolution in satire so scathing as to win immediate applause and leave his name a notorious scrawl on the page of history 尽管他们倾向于唯一神教,戴了一副具有保守开明思想的面具,实际上他们已落后于解释世界的科学两代之久。他们的思想还处在中世纪阶段。同时,他也感到,他们看待生命和宇宙的终极事实的方法还是形而上学的,那种看法阻地球上最年轻的种族的看法一样幼稚也跟穴居人的看法一样古老,甚至更古老那看法使第一个更新世的猿人害怕黑暗使第一个匆促的希伯来野蛮人用亚当的肋骨造成了夏娃使笛卡尔通过反射渺小的自我建立了唯心主义的宇宙体系使那有名的英格兰传教士用尖刻的讽刺来谴责进化论,并立即博得了喝彩,从而在历史的篇章里草草留下了一个臭名。
With a rapid glance , scanning all the persons in the room , and observing the counts spiritual adviser , she did not precisely bow down , but seemed somehow suddenly to shrink in stature , and with a tripping amble swam up to the priest and reverentially received a blessing first from one and then from another ecclesiastic 她向房里所有的人匆匆地瞥了一眼,看见了伯爵的那个听取忏悔的神甫,她没有躬起身子,但忽然变得更矮小了。她迈着小步东歪西扭地走到神甫面前,十分恭敬地接受一个又一个神职人员的祝福。