We have embraced an ethos that values self - expression over self - modesty , self - marketing over self - effacement , self - made over idleness , self - confidence over humbling ourselves 我们已欣然接受一种时代精神:珍视自我表现而非自我谦虚;珍视自我推销而非自我埋没;珍视白手起家而非坐享其成;珍视自信进取而非妄自菲薄
1 we have embraced an ethos that values self - expression over self - modesty , self - marketing over self - effacement , self - made over idleness , self - confidence over humbling ourselves 我们欣然接受一种时代精神:珍视自我表现而非自我谦虚;珍视自我推销而非自我埋没;珍视白手起家而非坐享其成;珍视自信进取而非妄自菲薄。
Self - effacement , self - sacrifice , that god ' s will might be done , and that man might be saved ? ? such was the life of christ . “ love seeketh not its own . ” this was his life ; he lived only to please god and to bless men 忘我、舍己、神愿意这样做,使人得到救恩?这就是基督的生命, “爱是不求自己的益处” ,他的生命就是只求神的喜悦和人蒙福。
This is minimal change disease ( mcd ) which is characterized by effacement of the epithelial cell ( podocyte ) foot processes and loss of the normal charge barrier such that albumin selectively leaks out and proteinuria ensues 微小病变性肾小球肾炎,特点是:脏层上皮细胞(足细胞)的足突消失,正常的离子屏障丧失,表现为选择性白蛋白漏出,接着出现蛋白尿。
This self - effacement in both directions had been quite in consonance with her independent character of desiring nothing by way of favour or pity to which she was not entitled on a fair consideration of her deserts 她在这两个方面的自尊和她的独立的性格是一致的,因此她在对自己应得的待遇经过仔细思考之后,就从来不再去想她在名分上应该得到的同情和帮助了。