Tests for chemical properties of aggregates - preparation of eluates by leaching of aggregates 集料的化学特性测试.对集料浸滤制备洗提液
Tests for chemical properties of aggregates - part 3 : preparation of eluates by leaching of aggregates 集料化学性能试验.第3部分:用集料滤取法制备提取物
Fig . 7 dissociated drg cells of chick embryo treated by the peak d eluate ; showing neuronal neurite ( arrows ) 图7d峰洗脱液作用的drg分离细胞,示神经元的神经突起( ) 。
Fig . 5 dissociated drg cells of chick embryo treated by the peak i eluate ; showing neuronal neurite ( arrows ) 图5峰洗脱液作用的drg分离细胞,示神经元的神经突起( ) 。
Tests for chemical properties of aggregates - part 3 : preparation of eluates by leaching of aggregates ; german version en 1744 - 3 : 2002 集料化学性能的试验.第3部分:采用沥滤法对洗出液的制
The eluate was collected 5ml . the eluate was evaporated , the residue was dissolved with 4 . 0ml of 0 . 45mol / l naoh 45mol l的氢氧化钠溶液4刀ml溶解剩余物,将所得溶液2等份,分别再加2刀ml0
Characterization of waste - analysis of eluates - determination of ammonium , aox , conductivity , hg , phenol index , toc , easily liberatable cn - , f - 废弃物特征.提取物分析.铵aox传导性汞苯酚指数toc和易析出的cn f的测定
Characterization of waste - analysis of eluates - determination of ammonium , aox , conductivity , hg , phenol index , toc , cn easily liberatable , f ; german version en 13370 : 2003 废物表征.提取物分析.铵aox传导性汞苯酚指数
Characterization of waste . analysis of eluates . determination of ammonium - n , aox , conductivity , hg , phenol index , toc , cnup - easily liberatable , fup - 废物特性.提取物的分析.铵- n aox传导性hg苯酚指标toc cn易析出的f的测定
Characterization of waste - analysis of eluates - determination of ammonium , aox , conductivity , hg , phenol index , toc , easily liberatable cn - , f - 废弃物的表征.提出物的分析.铵aox传导性hg苯酚指数toc易游离的cn - f -的测定