What is the story of the idf ' s operation to release the hostages from entebbe in july 1976 以色列国防军在1976年7月恩塔培解救人质是怎么一回事?
From his base in paris he covered news events such as wars in angola and the spanish sahara , the taking of israeli hostages in entebbe , the attempted assassination of president ronald reagan , and also started to pursue more personal and in - depth documentary projects 在巴黎图片社总部,他报道了很多新闻事件,如安哥拉和西属撒哈拉战争、恩德培的以色列人质劫持事件和对里根总统的刺杀未遂等,他还开始进行自我色彩更浓和更加深入的纪实报道。