H : tell me more of your diabolical scheme , so that i can swoon at your manly evilness 再多告诉我一些你那些恶魔般的阴谋,让我陶醉在你那男性的邪恶魅力中吧。
Women used to stick such a flower into their hair or hang its branches on windows or doors to avoid evilness 女人会把茱萸插在头上或者挂在门窗上,以求避难消灾。
The game is introduced : the false supermans in the legend have set out , eh kindness , in the legend , let ' s go to even evilness out 游戏介绍:传说中的假面超人出动了,恩恩,是传说中的,去铲平邪恶吧。
You breathe stiffly , no longer fear that is wounded by evilness , no longer worried for abyss , the burning body was free at last 你死了,呼吸僵硬,不再惧怕为邪恶所击伤,不再为深渊所烦恼,你燃烧的肉体终于得到解脱。
In addition , the proposition that law base on evilness of human nature is called into question and rationality is the key foundation of law is raised in the paper 同时对传统的人性恶是法律基础的命题提出疑问并指明作为法律的社会基础的人性着重在于人的理性层面。
In practice , this outlook is conducive to a sound social morality which advocates goodness and distains evilness , as well as to the sustained economic and social development 在实践上它有利于形成崇善耻恶的良好社会道德风气,有利于形成正确的道德观,为推进经济社会的持续发展,提供了强大的精神动力。
Through the discussion on human natures like kindness , evilness , rationality , and irrationality , one aspect of the very important social foundations of law upon which law and its implementation base is revealed and what values the human nature contributes to law are discovered 摘要通过对人性善、恶,理性、非理性的探讨,揭示法律的社会基础中一个非常重要的方面,即作为法律产生和运行的基础,人性在法律上有着怎样的价值。
Guided by the principle of value neutralization , by using constitutional culture rooted in confucianism as the tool of analysis , this paper attempts to reveal the difference of centralization versus dualization , the belief in the essential goodness versus the belief in the evilness of human nature , and omnipotent reason versus limited reason existing in the chinese and american constitutional cultures in terms of ways of thinking 摘要在价值中立原则指导下,以植根于我国儒家文化背景的宪法文化为分析工具,可以看到中美宪法文化之思维方式存在着“一元化”与“二元化”的对杭、 “人性善”与“人性恶”的对比以及“全能理性”与“有限理性”的对立。