They are explainable as a species of mental atavism . 这些都可以解释为一种精神的返祖现象。
A striking feature not explainable in terms of simple viscous behavior is the characteristically blunt terminations or steep outer margins of debris flow . 不能用简单的粘性来解释的一种明显特征是泥石流的钝形终端,或陡的外缘。
A striking feature not explainable in terms of simple viscous behavior is the characteristically blunt terminations or steep outer margins of debris flow . 不能用简单的粘性来解释一种明显的特征是泥石流的钝形终端,或陡的外缘。
No explainable cause of death 死因不明。
Oregon female , age twenty - one , no explainable cause of death . autopsy shows nothing . zip 俄勒冈州女性, 21岁,死因不明。尸体解剖未显示任何异常。拉上。
Although many of the beneficial effects of crystals are not explainable by our limited knowledge , scientists do know they possess a crystalline structure that can collect , focus , and emit electromagnetic energy 白水晶在所有水晶种类中,磁场能量最平稳最纯粹,是所有色彩.能量的综合体,平衡体内能量的最佳选择。
Although many of the beneficial effects of crystals are not explainable by our limited knowledge , scientists do know they possess a crystalline structure that can collect , focus , and emit electromagnetic energy . crystals have been put too practical use in many ways 白水晶,又称为"摩尼宝珠" ,是佛教七宝之一。白水晶有聚焦、集中、扩大、记忆的功能,是所有能量的综合体,称晶王。
Crystals have been used in nearly all cultures to help heal , to protect wearers from harm , and to reach spiritual awareness . although many of the beneficial effects of crystals are not explainable by our limited knowledge , scientists do know they possess a crystalline structure that can collect , focus , and emit electromagnetic energy 本款白水晶手环以18颗直径为10mm的aa级圆珠白水晶串成,晶莹剔透,几无冰裂与云雾请注意:任何天然水晶都有冰裂与云雾,完美无缺的水晶要么天价,要么就是人造石。
Although many of the beneficial effects of crystals are not explainable by our limited knowledge , scientists do know they possess a crystalline structure that can collect , focus , and emit electromagnetic energy . crystals have been put too practical use in many ways . they transmit and receive radio waves , set the timing of our quartz watches and our computers 而大部分的白水晶都有包含冰裂、云雾等等内涵物,完全通透的白水晶除非是小体积的(从大原矿直接切磨出来) ,大体积而又完全通透的白水晶价格较贵而且市面上假货比较多(尤其是白水晶球) ,所以在购买的时候千万要小心。
Crystals have been used in nearly all cultures to help heal , to protect wearers from harm , and to reach spiritual awareness . although many of the beneficial effects of crystals are not explainable by our limited knowledge , scientists do know they possess a crystalline structure that can collect , focus , and emit electromagnetic energy . crystals have been put too practical use in many ways 而大部分的白水晶都有包含冰裂云雾等等内涵物,完全通透的白水晶除非是小体积的从大原矿直接切磨出来,大体积而又完全通透的白水晶价格较贵而且市面上假货比较多尤其是白水晶球,所以在购买的时候千万要小心。