One after another, she was introduced to newly arrived fakirs . 每个新出现的骗子手,都一个接一个的介绍给她。
Shit ! bought this from a fakir 靠!从骗子手里买的?
I know he s been a street fakir when he was down . unscrupulous . rob a corpse of a shroud - anything 我知道他倒霉的时候在街上摆过摊,什么都满不在乎地干,连死人的尸衣也偷什么都偷。
Mosques , minarets , temples , fakirs , pagodas , tigers , snakes , elephants ! i hope you will have ample time to see the sights 那儿有很多庄严的回教寺,高高的尖顶塔,宏伟的庙宇,托钵的苦行僧,还有浮图宝塔,花斑老虎,黑皮毒蛇,还有能歌善舞的印度姑娘!
The young woman had again fallen into a stupor caused by the fumes of hemp , and passed among the fakirs , who escorted her with their wild , religious cries 那个年轻的女人被大麻烟熏得又昏迷过去了。她被人拖着从一群大声念着经文护送着她的苦行僧中间穿过。
Fakirs and soldiers and priests , seized with instant terror , lay there , with their faces on the ground , not daring to lift their eyes and behold such a prodigy 苦行僧卫兵和僧侣们,这一下都给吓坏了,他们一个个都脸朝着地趴在那儿,谁也不敢再抬头去看这个妖怪!
When he neared broadway , he noticed the captain s gathering of wanderers , but thinking it to be the result of a street preacher or some patent medicine fakir , was about to pass on 当他走近百老汇大街时,他注意到上尉身边聚集的那些流浪汉。但他以为这是什么街头传教士或是什么卖假药的骗子招来的人群,正准备从旁边走过去。
They halted , half - an - hour afterwards , in a copse , some five hundred feet from the pagoda , where they were well concealed ; but they could hear the groans and cries of the fakirs distinctly 一个半小时之后,他们在一个灌木林里停下来了。这儿离庙只有五百步远。他们不仅可以看到庙宇,甚至就连庙里那帮狂热信徒的喊叫,都听得清清楚楚。
The cries of the fakirs were just ceasing ; the indians were in the act of plunging themselves into the drunkenness caused by liquid opium mingled with hemp , and it might be possible to slip between them to the temple itself 按习惯,这些僧侣该已经喝得烂醉如泥了他们喝的是一种鸦片汁和苎麻汤掺合制成的“昂格”酒现在要是从他们中间溜进庙去也许是可能的。