A design of 9gys - 0 . 85 type tray style throw falchion grass cutter 85型盘式甩刀割草机的设计
The falchion with short hilt and vessel like dustpan from dayangzhou are the longest ones , and the huge ye - tomahawk from dayangzhou is the heaviest one in the shang dynasty 大洋洲的短柄翘首刀、箕形器是商代同类器型中最大者,大钺是商代同类器型中最厚重者,也是商代唯一一处同时出土上述4种青铜仪杖器的遗存。
Butterfly double falchion is also called double crossing falchion , which is short saber series of southern school , formed through the combination of basic hand methods and features of attack and defense of short saber “蝴蝶双刀”又叫“双叉刀” ,是南派短刀套路,它以永春拳的基本手法与短刀的攻防特点组合而成。
Studying the archaeological data and historical documents , the author finds out that falchion with short hilt , falchion with winding head , huge ye - tomahawk , and dustpan - shaped vessel are used in ceremonies , which reflects the owner ' s social class and puissance 摘要结合现代考古资料与古代文献,对青铜短柄翘首刀、卷首刀、大钺和箕形器进行类比分析,发现它们在商代是显示其所有者社会地位和权势的仪杖器。