vt.,vi. 1.(使)女性化;【生物学】(使)雌性化 (opp. masculinize). 2.(在某一地区或职业等方面)(使)妇女占多数。feminization n.
Example Sentences:
Male pseudohermaphroditism has been well-described in the testicular feminizing syndrome of man . 雄性的假两性畸形在男性睾丸女性化的综合症中已有报道。
The room was feminized after she moved in 这间房间在她搬进去之后变得女性化。
His wife feminized him to show she has control over him 他的太太使他变得像女人,表示她能控制得了他。
The woman or feminized man represents the human subject par excellence 女子,或是女性化的男人,才是人类主体的最佳代表。
Logic to the contrary is also proof that america has been feminized , sad , but true . repent ye double minded 这种矛盾的逻辑证明美国人已经女性化了,真悲哀,但这是事实。为你们的思想动摇忏悔吧。
He has got some of feminized features such as introversion , quietness , delicate sentiment and detailed observation , which has determined his early aesthetic taste and literary style 他自幼就形成了胆小内向、恋家思旧、情感细腻、注重细节等倾向于女性化的个性心理特征,他早年的文学创作也呈现出相应的特色。
Feminize trend emerge in boorish labour force feminize trend in country labour force is emerging in course of country spare labour force shift to other industry . women stand low because their education , status of master in agricultural skill , more women are remain in home . the emerge of this trend will bring deep and long influence to the adjustment 4 、对农业的不良影响由于大量年轻的有文化的农村劳动力外出务工,而留下的大多是老人、妇女、孩子,这将在一定程度上影响农业新技术的推广和应用以及对传统农业向现代化农业的改造、农业的可持续发展等许多方面。