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Chinese translation for "flagon"

Example Sentences:
1.He drank off the flagon of wine amid their cheers
2.Warming a flagon of wine , chatting about jianmen pass
3.You can drink your fancy ales you can drink ' em by the flagon
4.Stay me with flagons , comfort me with apples : for i am sick of love
5.Bloom followed bag . dinner fit for a prince . miss douce reached high to take a flagon , stretching her satin arm , her bust , that all but burst , so high
6.And they shall hang upon him all the glory of his father ' s house , the offspring and the issue , all vessels of small quantity , from the vessels of cups , even to all the vessels of flagons
7.When two o clock arrived the professional reed - drawers tossed off the last half - pint in their flagon , put down their hooks , tied their last sheaves , and went away
8.The honourable gerald ward a . d . c . , agreeably surprised , made haste to reply . at ponsonby s corner a jaded white flagon h . halted and four tallhatted white flagons halted behind him , e . l . y . s . , while outriders pranced past and carriages
在庞森比书店的拐角处,精疲力竭的白色大肚酒瓶h站住了,四个戴高帽子的白色大肚酒瓶e . l . ys 215 ,也在他身后停下脚步。
9.What say you , good masters , to a squab pigeon pasty , some collops of venison , a saddle of veal , widgeon with crisp hog s bacon , a boar s head with pistachios , a bason of jolly custard , a medlar tansy and a flagon of old rhenish
油酥面雏鸽馅饼,薄鹿肉片,小牛里脊,配上酥脆熏猪肉的赤颈鬼,配上阿月浑子籽儿的公猪头肉一盘令人赏心悦目的乳蛋糕,配上欧楂的艾菊,再来一壶陈莱茵白葡萄酒,不知老爷们意下如何? ”
10.The women on the corn - rick - marian , who was one of them , in particular - could stop to drink ale or cold tea from the flagon now and then , or to exchange a few gossiping remarks while they wiped their faces or cleared the fragments of straw and husk from their clothing ; but for tess there was no respite ; for , as the drum never stopped , the man who fed it could not stop , and she , who had to supply the man with untied sheaves , could not stop either , unless marian changed places with her , which she sometimes did for half an hour in spite of groby s objection that she was too slow - handed for a feeder
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