Give him the flapdoodle with the right because he don ' t know 让他去观察你的右手去吧他跟本不知道你的伤
That wasn ' t love . that was just flapdoodle . have some fudge , lambs 那不是爱,只是在一起瞎混而已吃点软糖,乖乖
Flapdoodle to feed fools on . they could easily have big establishments 他们完全不用伤筋动骨,三下两下就能盖起一座大医院。
He chewed my head off about the " threadsoul " , the " causal body , " " ablation , " the upanishads , plotinus , krishnamurti , " the karmic vestiture of the soul , " " the nirvanic consciousness , " all that flapdoodle which blows out of the east like a breath from the plague 他唠唠叨叨地对我谈“线魂” 、 “成因体” 、 “切除” 、奥义书、普洛提诺、讫里什那穆提、 “灵魂的业力受职仪式” 、 “涅磐的知觉” ,全是从东方吹来的胡话,像瘟疫后散出的气息。
Well , by and by the king he gets up and comes forward a little , and works himself up and slobbers out a speech , all full of tears and flapdoodle about its being a sore trial for him and his poor brother to lose the diseased , and to miss seeing diseased alive after the long journey of four thousand mile , but it s a trial that s sweetened and sanctified to us by this dear sympathy and these holy tears , and so he thanks them out of his heart and out of his brother s heart , because out of their mouths they can t , words being too weak and cold , and all that kind of rot and slush , till it was just sickening ; and then he blubbers out a pious goody - goody amen , and turns himself loose and goes to crying fit to bust 随后国王站了起来,朝前走了几步,酝酿好了情绪,哭哭啼啼作了一番演说,一边眼泪直流,一边胡话连篇,说他和他那可怜的兄弟,从四千英里外,仆仆风尘赶到这里,却失掉了亲人,连最后一面也未见到,心里有多难过,只是由于大伙儿的亲切慰问和神圣的眼泪,这样的伤心事也就加上了一种甜蜜的滋味,变成了一件庄严的事,他和他兄弟从心底里感谢他们。因为嘴里说出的话无法表达心意,语言委实太无力太冷淡了。如此等等的一类废话,听了叫人要吐。