After five years at the laue - langevin institute in grenoble , france , jolie turned his focus to experimental work when , in 1992 , he accepted a position at the university of fribourg in switzerland 他在法国格赫诺柏的劳厄?蓝吉分研究所工作了五年之后, 1992年转往瑞士夫里堡大学从事实验研究。
Although we have performed in many places like genk belgium , holstebro denmark , genosa , milano italy , and now we return to holstebro denmark , we decided to write these words to supreme master ching hai before becoming busier in the coming months for we will travel to london england , april , paris france , may , molin australia , june budapest hungary , july , fribourg switzerland , august , brussels belgium , september , firenze italy , october , sao paulo , rio de janeiro brazil , november , etc 在这段时间我们在很多地方演出,像是健克比利时,侯斯特伯丹麦,吉诺沙米兰义大利,现在我们回到了侯斯特伯丹麦。下几个月将会更忙,我们决定在此前夕,给您写这封信。之后我们就要去伦敦英国,四月,巴黎法国,五月,毛林澳大利亚,六月,布达佩斯匈牙利,七月,菲柏格瑞士,八月,布鲁塞尔比利时,九月,费然斯意大利,十月,圣保罗里约热内卢巴西,十一月等等。