| 1. | Bhavavarman did not annex funan . 拔婆跋摩并未兼并扶南。 |
| 2. | Study on dominant ethnical group in funan 关于扶南主体民族族属的再考察 |
| 3. | Quality of pinellia ternata grown in funan 阜南产半夏的质量研究 |
| 4. | Tinking about development of agricultural products without pollution in funan county 阜南县发展无公害农产品生产的思考 |
| 5. | As time passes by , the water of funan river has been more or less polluted 时过境迁,府南河如今水质仍存在一定污染状况。 |
| 6. | Plenty of lawns and apartment houses will be built along both the banks of the newly - renovated funan river 成都新改建的府南河两岸将修建许多草坪和居民大楼。 |
| 7. | Measuring lead sulfide in funan lead - zinc mine naiman county in inner mongolia by directing oscillographic polarography 内蒙古奈曼旗福南铅锌矿硫化铅相直接示波极谱法测定 |
| 8. | The comprehensive revitalization of funan river has been known worldwide , and it plays an essential role in improving living condition , flood control , environment protection , and so on for chengdu 摘要府南河综合整治工程举世瞩目,在安居、防洪、环保、绿化等6大工程上做出了不菲的成绩。 |
| 9. | Therefore , through comprehensive rserch and analysis on the river ' s historical background , comprehensive revitalization and water pollution condition , this paper brings up some methods and advice on how to protect funan river 本文通过对府南河历史背景、综合整治工程及其水质污染状况的全面分析研究,对如何更好地保护府南河的水质提出了一些方法和建议。 |