Udp galactose : n acetyl glucosamine galactosyl transferase 乙酰氨基葡萄糖半乳糖基转移酶
But the ppl researchers have succeeded in knocking out only one copy of the gene for the enzyme , called alpha 1 , 3 galactosyl transferase 但是, ppl医疗公司的研究人员只是成功地去除了产生这种叫? 1 , 3半乳糖转移酶的基因的一个副本。
In one word , the methods for producing acellulace matrix have not been standardized . in this study , we want to select the best way to produce acellular matrix . we also use immunohistochemical method for detecting the magor heterogenetic antigen a - galactosyl residues ( a - gal ) in acellular matrix 并应用免疫组化的方法检测脱细胞后基质的主要异种抗原,用种植实验观察异种机体对脱细胞生物基质的组织反应倩况,另在其上种植鼠成纤维细胞以观察脱细胞生物基质的细胞毒性和细胞相容问题。