n. (pl. -leae ) 1.【植物;植物学】盔瓣。 2.【动物;动物学】(昆虫的)外颚叶。 3.【医学】帽状头痛膜。
Example Sentences:
In fact , the people on floors below the impact zones only just got out , galea ' s calculations revealed 不幸的是,许多人因为拒绝离开工作岗位而耽误了逃生时机。
Every person who escaped from the twin towers potentially held information that could save lives , professor galea said 每一个从双子星大厦逃出来的人手中都可能握有可以拯救更多生命的资讯,加里亚说。
M . owen , e . r . galea , and p . lawrence , " advanced occupant behavioural features of the building - exodus evacuation model " , fire safety science , pp795 - 806 公安部四川消防科研所, "大空间公共建筑火灾疏散评估技术"和"高层建筑性能化防火设计安全评估技术" , "十五"国家科技攻关项目建议书
In a bid to find out more about how people reacted to 9 11 , galea ' s team - plus groups from liverpool and ulster universities - have been awarded a ? 1 million uk grant for lengthy interviews with 2 , 000 survivors of 9 11 报道说,另外,研究小组还将同来自利物浦和阿尔斯特地区多所大学的专家一道,对约2000名“ 9 11 ”幸存者进行访问。
Prof galea said the researchers needed to interview more people before the current phase of the project ended , in november , and called on any survivors living in britain to contact the team 加里亚表示,研究计画的这个阶段将在今年11月结束,在此之前,研究人员需要访问更多的生还者,因此他希望现居英国的双子星大厦生还者都能和他的研究团队联络。
Had they been widely spaced and made of concrete , one staircase might have survived and those above the impact could have got out before the towers collapsed . " using special software called exodus , galea also calculated how long it would have taken to evacuate the towers if they had been fully occupied 调查显示,如果逃生通道分布得更多些,且用混凝土建造,那么至少可能留下1条通道,在高层工作的人员就可以通过它在塔楼倒塌之前下到楼底逃生。
Key recommendations and suggestions include blaze - proof lifts , sky bridges linking high - rise buildings and curbs on mobile phones during evacuations . " it would add tragedy to tragedy if we did not learn from 9 11 , " said the study ' s leader , professor ed galea of the university of greenwich . galea and his team analysed the written accounts of 250 survivors of 11 september , 2001 , and found they show a startling variation in human behaviour 据英国观察家报10月30日报道,英国格林威治大学教授加利亚领导的一个研究小组在研究了250名“ 9 11 ”幸存者的书面报告之后认为,未来超高层建筑的设计应该增设防火电梯拓宽逃生通道建设跨楼天桥,以便发生危机情况时有利于人员疏散,楼内人员则应该尽快逃生,而不是把时间耽误在用手机向亲戚朋友报信上。
In addition , as people descended the narrow staircases , firemen were coming up , carrying equipment , causing delay though , according to simulations , not enough to cause loss of life . galea ' s team has reported to the office of the deputy prime minister outlining key recommendations that need to be introduced 研究小组提出的建议还包括:在紧急逃生运输工具中加装空气过滤器研发可在火灾条件下运行的电梯各公司高层领导能够组织职员自救,并告诫职员在安全脱险之前不要打电话建设更宽敞分散的逃生通道等。