| 1. | Cowperwood had the gift of geniality . 考珀伍德天生和蔼可亲。 |
| 2. | Even his good qualities of geniality and impetuosity counted against him . 甚至他那些好品性,如待人亲切和办事有魄力都对他不利。 |
| 3. | I was still buoyed by the evening's mood of reconciliation and the geniality of the audience . 我仍然沉浸在昨晚的和解气氛和听众的友好反应之中。 |
| 4. | His words were all uttered with a fine geniality of eye and manner which went far to conquer my distrust . 他说那些话时,目光相当和蔼、态度极其温和。这大大地消除了我的猜疑心理。 |
| 5. | What could the tastes of that man be who saw friendliness and geniality in these shaggy hills ? 那一个人,是既会从这些榛莽丛杂的山上看到和蔼可亲的面目,那么他的趣味会是怎么一种样子呢? |
| 6. | His protruding eyes, that gave such an unusual, foreign appearance to his very dark face, radiated geniality . 他那双爆眼睛,使他那张很黝黑的脸看上去很别致,有点外国人的味儿,闪着和蔼可亲的光芒。 |
| 7. | This benjy was a young, clean-shaven creature, whose face and voice and manner were a perfect blend of steel and geniality . 彭杰是一个胡子刮得精光的小伙子,他的面貌、声调和态度是斩钉截铁和春风迎人两种气概的完美混杂物。 |
| 8. | Not a shade was there of anything save geniality and kindness 他的眼神里只显出愉快与和气,看不出一丝邪意。 |
| 9. | They said he is a pitiless , cold - blooded fellow , with no geniality in him 他们说他是个毫无怜悯心、一点也不和蔼的冷血动物。 |
| 10. | Oneself is mature and responsible , the personality geniality , have special man ' s magic power 本人成熟稳重、性格温和,有独特的男人魅力 |